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>> Localizing

Is it possible to use AmigaBasic on the A1200?

AmigaBasic wurde (als einziges Amiga-Programm) von Microsoft entwickelt und ist entsprechend fehlerhaft.

Man kann es auf dem A1200 trotzdem zum Laufen bringen, wenn man folgendes beachtet:

  1. run NoFastMem (or turn off FastMem).
  2. Switch off sound output in the Sound prefs editor.
  3. Better avoid SUBs and use GOSUBs instead, then the compatibility with newer processors will be higher.
  4. There is a patch you should run at the beginning of AmigaBasic:
      ---------------------------------- CUT HERE -------------------------------
       `" AmigaBASIC patch to let AmigaBASIC work on A1200 and other newer machines.
       `" Start at the beginning of AmigaBASIC or invoke AmigaBASIC with this program
       OPEN "AMIGABasic" AS 1 LEN=1
       FIELD #1,1 AS d$
       i&=&HF3*256+&H87 : PRINT i&
       GET #1,i& : a$=HEX$(ASC(d$))
       PRINT a$
       IF a$="79" THEN
           LSET d$=CHR$(&H78)
           PUT #1,i&
       END IF
       CLOSE 1
      ---------------------------------- CUT HERE -------------------------------

Andreas Mixich, humpty@tomate.tng.oche.de

<< Printer control >> Localizing